Drug Calculations for Nurses Who Hate Numbers
During my long stay in nursing school, I have seen many students struggle with the mathematics of drug calculations. As someone who had previously struggled with the numbers I have been quite successful in explaining this material to students…

Simplified Heart Sounds
I saw the need for Simplified Heart Sounds when I was studying for the CCRN test. Having worked in ICU and studied critical care I was generally familiar with the cardiovascular system. But questions on heart sounds stumped me. I just couldn't…

Improve Your Chart Reading Skills
Note to self... buy this book, and improve your chart reading skills.
by Malcolm Rosenberg, RN
with the help of:
- I. Wright Badlee, MD
- Hugh Kant Reed, MD
- Ida Cypher Scribbles, RN
I have dealt with charts every single…

Simplified Ventilators
A very brief and complete explanation of mechanical ventilation.
by Malcolm Rosenberg, RN | Illustrations by Scott Brown
About eight years ago, I worked on a monitored pulmonary floor that had four ventilator beds. My formal training…

Simplified Arterial Blood Gases
Typically, blood gases are taught by having students memorize relational statements like this one, "If the pH is low and CO2 is high, then the condition is ..." This is a quick and easy method which is usually as quickly forgotten as it is …

Simplified Blood Clotting
You already have a good idea of the things blood does. You know red blood cells deliver oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. And white blood cells fight infection. To reach all 6 trillion cells, blood vessels have to cover a lot of distance. Our…

Simplified Hemodynamics
For the beginning or moderately experienced ICU nurse, there is no better explanation of Hemodynamics. Is that claim outrageous? Consider the following:

Viagra Simplified & Other ED Medications
"When everybody was telling Viagra jokes, I felt the impulse to write a book explaining the subject."
by Malcolm Rosenberg, RN & Ralph Zagha, MD
I never said Viagra® was as important as arterial blood gases, heart sounds, hemodynamics…
From Telemetry to ICU … it’s a big step and there’s a lot to learn.
The academic part – ventilators, arterial blood gases, hemodynamics, cardiac functions, ICU drip calculations – is in these books and it’s presented in the quantity and depth you need to get started or to pass the hospital ICU test.
Get the complete collection – all nine titles! – for only $85.